Forum Discussion

amychen's avatar
Equinix Employee
3 years ago

Smart Hands 2022.4

Equinix Smart Hands 2022.4 is available August 8, 2022. This release includes the following changes to the Smart Hands interface.

New 'Cable Connectivity Check' Option

On the Cable Testing and Diagnostics tile in the Smart Hands catalog, there’s a new option for Cable Connectivity Check. Use this new option to check the connectivity between assets:

  • Visually verify that LED link lights are green.
  • Ensure that fiber connections are properly cleaned.
  • Verify that cable connections are securely seated.
  • Perform light level readings.
  • Verify transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) after a cross connect is completed.

Note: The Light-Link Verification option has been removed from the Smart Hands Catalog. The new Cable Connectivity Check option can be used instead.

Auto-scroll to Error Fields

When submitting a Smart Hands request, it is now easier to locate errors in your order. If you attempt to submit a Smart Hands order without completing all the required fields, the screen now automatically scrolls to the missing required field.

If multiple required fields are blank, the screen scrolls to the first required field. If you complete the field and attempt to submit again, the screen scrolls to the next required field (and so on, until all required fields are completed).

Equinix-initiated Messaging

For orders with the Text (SMS) technical contact option enabled, you can initiate messaging with the Equinix technician when work is in progress on your order. For more efficient communications and order processing, this feature is enhanced in the 2022.4 release. With the enhancement, Equinix can now initiate messaging with you (if needed). If the technician sends you a message when your order is In Progress, you’ll see an orange message icon in the Status column. Hover over it and click View New Message to read the message in the Activity Timeline (and send a reply, if required).

Add Quick Notes to Your Order

It is now easier to add notes to a Smart Hands order that has already been submitted. On the Orders and Tickets History screen, hover over the blue note icon beside the order number and click Add Note. (If the icon is not visible for your order, the order cannot currently be modified. For example, you cannot add notes to recurring orders, or orders with a status of Pending Approval, Cancelled, Action Required, or Completed.)

Modified Screens for Energize/De-Energize Circuit

Based on customer feedback, we modified the Power Services order forms:

  • The Energize Circuit form now includes the message: If the circuit/asset is not visible in the table below, it may already be energized. Energized circuits are visible in the De-Energize Circuit form.
  • The De-Energize Circuit form now includes the message: De-energizing a circuit does not cancel or terminate your circuit. To terminate the circuit, please contact the Global Service Desk to order a deinstallation.

Invitation to Complete a Survey

When your Smart Hands order is completed, you might receive an email invitation to submit feedback about your order. Your feedback helps us continue to improve the Smart Hands user experience. (You can also give us feedback on your completed Smart Hands orders by clicking the thumbs up icon on the Orders and Tickets History screen, or by using the Feedback option from the Activity Timeline of the completed order.)

Learn more about Smart Hands on Docs and Readiness!

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