Forum Discussion

Shannon's avatar
Community Manager
3 years ago

My first job was __________________

Let's get this icebreaker started! New members, returning members, everyone, share your first job in the comments.  

 Looking back on your career, what was the first job you had? We'd love to hear your story. 

  1. What was your first job?
  2. What did you learn from it? 

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  • Hello my first job was a cashier at a max convienence store working overnight and i learned  good customer service how to work unsupervised and keeping to a schedule. I still cant believe they let me work overnight alone considering how young i was and three months later i got robbed at gun point and after that i did not want to work there anymore so i went for carpentry traning and that was a better fit for me.thank you and have a nice day

    • Shannon's avatar
      Community Manager

      Wow Josh, that's pretty crazy. Sounds like carpentry was a good switch! 

    • Jantzen's avatar
      Equinix Employee

      Wow! I'm not sure I'd ever want to work again if I was held at gun point at my first job. Having my own wood shop is on my bucket list. I can't say I'm any good, but I loved making things back high school shop class.