Getting error EQ-4006030 attempting to create a new VeloCloud VNF on Network Edge
I'm attempting to use the "Create-Velocloud SDWAN" item in the Network Edge postman collection on the developer portal. I am receiving the following error when submitting the request: [{"errorCode":"EQ-4006030","errorMessage":"We are unable to process your request.","details":"Please open a support ticket via the ? on the bottom of every page for further assistance., Invalid property 'acl' of bean class [ic.nfv.virtualdevice.model.VirtualDeviceRequestDto]: Bean property 'acl' is not readable or has an invalid getter method: Does the return type of the getter match the parameter type of the setter?","help":"https:///help/error/EQ-4006030","additionalInfo":[{"property":null,"reason":null}]}] here is my message body: { "metroCode": "SV", "deviceTypeCode": "VELOCLOUD-SDWAN", "termLength": "1", "licenseMode": "BYOL", "packageCode": "VeloCloud-2", "virtualDeviceName": "sr-008", "notifications": [ "" ], "vendorConfig": { "rootPassword": "myPassw0rd!", "activationKey": "XXX", "controllerFqdn": "" }, "aclDetails": [ { "uuid": "4c23126c-8874-4b36-8ad5-cf778f0b7e7a", "interfaceType": "WAN" } ], "accountNumber": "123456", "version": "3.4.2", "interfaceCount": 8, "deviceManagementType": "SELF-CONFIGURED", "core": 8 } thank you!1.4KViews0likes0CommentsUnderlying Equinix platform
Is ECX and Network Edge built on OpenStack? I'm trying to integrate Equinix Network Edge within an Orchestrator - Morpheus / Ciena Blueplanet and thost currently support Openstack. If Equinix fabric is built on open stack; can additional documentation be shared on how we can interact with the various elements to build the cloud integration with 3rd party orchestrators?1.4KViews0likes0CommentsUsing APIs, Network Edge users can now connect their Arista devices to Cloud Vision
To help you connect, we have added "connectToCloudVision," "cvpType," "cvpFqdn," "cvpIpAddress," "cvaasPort," "cvpPort," and "cvpToken" fields. Check out the following pages for details: Launch Self-Configured Device Get Virtual Devices Get Virtual Device {uuid}2.2KViews2likes0CommentsCreate Virtual Devices Using Equinix APIs
You can create Virtual Devices using Equinix APIs. Many vendors, including Cisco, Fortinet, Palo Alto Networks, and others, offer firewalls and routers on our platform. Check out our use cases to understand the required steps and the set of APIs you need to create Clusters, SD-WANs, and other Self-Configured devices: You could take advantage of the Postman collection listed on the above pages to get the payload to create any device type.3.6KViews1like1Comment