Fabric APIv4, Connection to azure, Technical background vlanSTag in zSide
Hello, I'd like to configure a redundant connection to Azure using dot1q encapsulation. The documentation for migration from v3 to v4 states that we need to include "linkProtocol": { "type": "QINQ", "vlanSTag": 2002 }, in the zSide definition. That was not necessary in the v3 API. I'm not sure what the technical background for that value is. Specifically: Can we always use the same VLAN ID in connections to different Azure environments when using unique VLAN IDs on the aSide? Any help is appreciated.192Views1like2CommentsAPI service accounts for Fabric API?
Currently I'm using the API token associated with my personal login to Equinix for the Fabric API. What's the best way to make an API token for a service sharable by a group of people at my company? Should I just make an Equinix login like first name Cloud last name Fabric, and then make an API token from that, or is there another way?Solved4.4KViews1like3CommentsPagination for fabric connections search?
I'm writing a script to see how oversubscribed my fabric ports are, by totaling the bandwidth of connections on each port. I'm having trouble with the pagination, no matter what I set for offset and limit in the query parameters, it always seems to come back with offset=0. https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/connections/search {'next': '/search?offset=20&limit=20', 'offset': 0, 'total': 193, 'limit': 20} https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/connections/search?offset=20&limit=20 {'next': '/search?offset=20&limit=20', 'offset': 0, 'total': 193, 'limit': 20} https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/connections/search?offset=40&limit=20 {'next': '/search?offset=20&limit=20', 'offset': 0, 'total': 193, 'limit': 20} https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/connections/search?offset=60&limit=20 {'next': '/search?offset=20&limit=20', 'offset': 0, 'total': 193, 'limit': 20} https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/connections/search?offset=80&limit=20 {'next': '/search?offset=20&limit=20', 'offset': 0, 'total': 193, 'limit': 20} https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/connections/search?offset=100&limit=20 {'next': '/search?offset=20&limit=20', 'offset': 0, 'total': 193, 'limit': 20} https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/connections/search?offset=120&limit=20 {'next': '/search?offset=20&limit=20', 'offset': 0, 'total': 193, 'limit': 20} https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/connections/search?offset=140&limit=20 {'next': '/search?offset=20&limit=20', 'offset': 0, 'total': 193, 'limit': 20} https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/connections/search?offset=160&limit=20 {'next': '/search?offset=20&limit=20', 'offset': 0, 'total': 193, 'limit': 20} https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4/connections/search?offset=180&limit=20 {'next': '/search?offset=20&limit=20', 'offset': 0, 'total': 193, 'limit': 20} import requests def get_bearer_token(): auth_url = 'https://api.equinix.com/oauth2/v1/token' credentials = { 'grant_type': 'client_credentials', 'client_id': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'client_secret': 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY' } credentials_response = requests.post(auth_url, json=credentials).json() return credentials_response['access_token'] token=get_bearer_token() headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token)} api_v4_url_base = 'https://api.equinix.com/fabric/v4' ports = dict() ports_url = api_v4_url_base + '/ports' ports_response = requests.get(ports_url, headers=headers).json() for port in ports_response['data']: name = port['name'] bandwidth = port['bandwidth'] ports[name] = dict() ports[name]['bandwidth'] = bandwidth ports[name]['connected_bandwidth']=0 ports[name]['connections'] = dict() connections = dict() connections_url = api_v4_url_base + '/connections' search_base = '/search' filter_data = {'filter': { 'and': [ { 'property': '/aSide/accessPoint/port/name', 'operator': '=', 'values': list(ports.keys()) }, { 'property': '/operation/equinixStatus', 'operator': '=', 'values': [ 'PROVISIONED', 'DEPROVISIONED' ] } ] } } more = True offset = 0 while more == True: connections_url_search = connections_url + search_base print(connections_url_search) connections_response = requests.post( connections_url_search, json=filter_data, headers=headers).json() total = connections_response['pagination']['total'] limit = connections_response['pagination']['limit'] print(connections_response['pagination']) if offset + limit > total: more = False else: offset += limit search_base = '/search?offset={}&limit={}'.format(offset, limit) #for connection in connections_response['data']: # port = connection['aSide']['accessPoint']['port']['name'] # name = connection['name'] # bandwidth = connection['bandwidth'] # ports[port]['connected_bandwidth'] += bandwidth # ports[port]['connections'][name] = connection # print("{}: {} - {}".format(name, bandwidth, port)) #print() I tried also just using the "next" page value from the response, but it had this problem too, so I tried calculating the offset myself. It always seems to only return the first page. Setting the limit as 10 for example also seems to have no effect, still returning 20 records. Can anyone reproduce this or tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!Solved5.4KViews1like4CommentsNew Fabric APIs expand usablity
Connect Using Service Token - Equinix APIs use OAuth 2.0 protocol to authenticate the requests you make to API endpoints. In order to interact with Equinix APIs, you need a bearer acess token. Bearer determines the type of authentication scheme and is a part of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. https://developer.equinix.com/docs6.4KViews1like1Comment