Community Manager
Community Manager
Status: Delivered

I hope this message finds you well. I am an active user of the Equinix Community Forum, and I have noticed that while the platform is a valuable resource for sharing ideas and knowledge, there is potential to further enhance user engagement and participation.

I would like to suggest the introduction of a gamification and rewards system for the forum. By implementing a points system, badges, ranks, or other forms of recognition for active contributors, you can encourage users to participate more frequently and meaningfully. This system would not only motivate users to provide helpful or insightful answers but also foster a sense of achievement and pride within the community.

Such a gamification system could include features like:

  • Points awarded for various activities, such as posting questions, answering queries, sharing resources, or providing feedback.
  • Badges or ranks based on the user's level of engagement, expertise, or the number of points accumulated.
  • Recognition for top contributors, such as featuring them on a leaderboard or highlighting their achievements in community updates.
  • Periodic rewards, like access to exclusive content, discounts on Equinix services, or invitations to special events, based on users' points or contribution levels.

By incorporating gamification and rewards into the community forum, you can create a more engaging and dynamic environment that encourages users to contribute their expertise and support one another actively.

Thank you for considering my suggestion. I believe that this feature would greatly benefit the Equinix community and foster a more vibrant exchange of ideas and knowledge.


Equinix Employee

In addition, what would be exciting and significant to see are some levels of Equinix Certification... be it "Foundational", "Professional," and/or "Expert" levels.  Platform Equinix or Equinix Metal or Equinix Network Edge.. etc.  This to me seems a wonderful way to not only educate but also generate excitement and pride with all that Equinix has to offer!

Status changed to: Delivered
Community Manager
Community Manager

Great idea Jantzen! We've begun implementing some of the gamification and rankings earlier this year and we'll continue to make improvements over time with how we offer rewards and recognition. It'd be great to have others chime in on what ideas they have for gamification as we continue to make changes based on your feedback. 


Members are able to track and view their progress with our gamification on their profile page. Here's an example of how it looks: 

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 10.27.15 AM.png 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@J_Shin Thanks so much for your comment on the certification. It's something we have considered as we build out community. We have some expert badges ready that we could introduce in 2024 so stay tuned!