Forum Discussion

API_User's avatar
Equinix Employee
2 years ago

When creating INBOUND shipment I get 504 (gateway time-out) or 204 (No Content) instead of 201 (Created)

I use shipment v2 API in playground.
URL of my request:

JSON data of my request:

    "type": "INBOUND",
    "requestedDateTime": "2023-03-02T10:45:41Z",
    "cageId": "1234",
    "details": {
        "carrier": "OTHER",
        "carrierName": "New Carrier",
        "numberOfBoxes": 2,
        "carrierTrackingNumbers": [

I get two possible responses for this same request:

504 gateway time-out error

    "fault": {
        "faultstring": "Gateway Timeout",
        "detail": {
            "errorcode": "messaging.adaptors.http.flow.GatewayTimeout"

204 No Content

However according to API docs, I should get 201 and the order id.

  • API_User's avatar
    Equinix Employee
    Hi there,
    Thanks for writing to Equinix and highlighting this issue.
    We have fixed this misbehaviour and would like to request you to retry the request.
  • API_User's avatar
    Equinix Employee
    Hi! Thank you for your help! Unfortunately the repsonse to my request is the same. Additionally I discovered that it doesn't matter what the json content is, I always receive 204 (No Content)