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What components are involved in Equinix Connect pricing?

What components are involved in Equinix Connect pricing?

Community Manager
Community Manager

What components are involved in Equinix Connect pricing? 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Equinix Connect pricing is based on these elements:

  • Port speed – Available at 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps, or 10 Gbps (includes Cross Connect to EC). In some locations, 100 Gbps is available.
  • Configuration – Either single-homed (one connection) or dual-homed (two separate connections).
  • Bandwidth commit tier – For the best value, select the tier closest to your projected usage. Tier options are:
    • < 25 Mbps
    • 25-49 Mbps
    • 50-99 Mbps
    • 100-199 Mbps
    • 200-499 Mbps
    • 500-999 Mbps
    • 1,000-1,999 Mbps
    • 2,000-4,999 Mbps
    • 5,000-9,999 Mbps
    • ≥ 10,000 Mbps
  • Additional IP allocation (optional) – If necessary, you can purchase blocks of IP addresses.