
The Equinix Community will be offline for scheduled maintenance on July 31, 2024. Learn More.


Welcome! How do you give back and help others?

Welcome! How do you give back and help others?

Community Manager
Community Manager

We're excited to welcome our newest members of the Community!

In honor of International Day of Charity earlier this week, we'd love to hear from you on how you give back and help others- maybe it's a charity you help support, your volunteer work in the community or lending a helping hand to those in need. Share your story below. 

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Welcome August Members! 

Be sure to update your profile image and introduce yourself! 

@aiinvoices  @akottapa  @albertnkquansah  @archibald  @baris 
@boffin  @Carlos66  @cbyington  @cdrapeau  @celcor 
@chrislau102  @contrerd  @CT @Danielle  @davidtorrellr 
@dimitardimitorv  @esamnjie  @fcancino  @flopez  @GSUK1 
@guillaumenourry  @Hamza1001  @Hashimoto  @ICA-guruprasad  @ilona_pantke 
@Indlekofer  @itjaslee  @ivannava  @jamesgrant  @jan 
@JasonThomas  @jiewenzhang  @jorgerot  @Joyner  @KacperGarcarz 
@kaothoj  @kflott  @krudolf  @larrylee  @lars-valkenburg 
@libin  @linxiang  @MadSpot  @MarcusH  @MauricioIgnacio 
@Maylai  @Michael-rossi  @Mike  @moklinski  @mroulli1 
@msuarez_equinix  @NeerajBhakhri  @nerdeljan  @neteng  @NickyMalki 
@okkenga  @owen_fung  @Paola  @pndsnt  @RamonBraamhaar 
@raspoutsia  @rflynn  @RPJONES  @Saad  @saxbak 
@sdeleeuw  @smoatsesnet  @Somer  @ssrc  @Sstheo 
@Stevenkelly200  @SUNADA  @sye  @SynthFreak007  @tanstaafl28 
@Tariq_S  @tataleochan  @tatsuhiro  @tiagocardoso  @tjiang 
@trentonconnor  @ugurdemiroz  @v793552  @VictoriaDieguez  @vijay_rane 
@volkerr  @VSquarciafico  @YujiWatanabe  @Zheng  @ZSubic 
Replies 2 2

Community Manager
Community Manager

Recently, I started volunteering at the local animal dog rescue, they are looking for people to walk the dogs up for adoption. It's been a great way for me to get outside, get 10,000 steps and find a dog a new home. 

You can also find me donating blood throughout the year, it's been something I've done since high school and I try to consistently make an effort to give back in the ways I can. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

I also donate blood pretty frequently.  It always makes me feel good when they tell me i'm saving babies lives! 😄