Forum Discussion

Shannon's avatar
Community Manager
3 years ago

Happy New Year! What's your biggest priority for 2023?

We’re so grateful for all our Equinix Community Members! Thank you for all you’ve done to help us grow this year. Can’t wait to move onward and upward in 2023!

Let's hear it - what's your biggest priority for 2023? Leave a comment below ⬇️

Happy New Year from Equinix Community!

Welcome December Members! 

Abdel-Hakim  am45771  AndreasBauer  Andrzej  arismarsr01 
ASLAN  athebes  Bilel  Brad_G  BrunaSoares 
cfryer  Daniel  dbush1  DennisRadoch  Dominik 
Doug_S  EdwinBos  erichtx80  guillaumef  haithemdh 
igeorgieva  jayachandran  jsurdo  Juan  katmahoney 
Kelever  krappi01  Kwonyong  LinChingKuan  llara 
Lromanelli  lzhurakovskaya  maborjam  magneu  MaikWitt 
mgar  MKeciour  mrlenoble  mzwetsloot  NikoMetes 
NTC_JLNELSON  nulh  Parvez  Pavel  philippetr 
ppalmis  psantos  report  rfowler  rryan_3 
ryanchan  sjayawardena  skozankiewicz  sudeepmaddali  sureshsreeni 
thogru  Anonymous  WillSpeck  xaviseat  zriaz 

Check out these 5 tips to get you started on Community.


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