3 years agoLevel 9
Setting up redundant GCP Connections
I'm trying to create a primary and secondary GCP connection. I created a primary connection, however, when I try to create the secondary connection I get the following response:
"errorCode": "EQ-3142303",
"errorMessage": "Only Primary connection allowed for this CSP",
"details": "Given service profile does not allowed redundant connection",
"correlationId": "null-0000-103912200151-api",
"additionalInfo": [
"property": "/redundancy/priority"
However, if I get the service profile details via the API:
in the "metadata" section there is an attribute "redundantProfileId" which lists the profile Id I was using to try and create a redundant connection. Am I misunderstanding this as it seems that since there is a "redundantProfileId" listed that the profile should support redundant connections?