Terraform-Provider-Equinix v1.16.0 Release
Equinix Terraform Provider v1.16.0not only has the ability to createFabric Cloud Routerresources directly, but also layer 2 connections to AWS, GCP, and specific fabric ports in Equinix. Connections to Azure and Oracle via Terraform are coming soon! FCR is a great option for those who want to quickly route between clouds using BGP or static networks without worrying about specific OS, vendor requirements, or advanced configuration. For those who use Network Edge, this Terraform release allows you to disable the default internet connectivity before provisioning specific firewalls (Palo Alto Networks NGFW, CiscoFTDv, and AviatrixFireNet)just like you can in the console.1.2KViews1like0CommentsEquinix Provider for Terraform v1.14.3 Release
The 1.14.3 release of the Equinix Terraform provider includes bug fixes and documentation improvements to provide a more consistent experience. The spot market request resource and data source have been updated to avoid unnecessary changes when the order of `facilities` changes for a spot market request, the virtual circuit resource has been updated to reduce the occurrence of API errors due to invalid requests, and the documentation for the `equinix_metal_device` resource has been updated to more accurately describe the `user_ssh_key_ids` and `project_ssh_key_ids` fields.1.6KViews0likes0CommentsEquinix Provider for Terraform v1.14.0 Release
The 1.14.0 release of terraform-provider-equinix includes code and documentation to help users identify and update Terraform configurations that are impacted by the deprecation of facilities in the Equinix Metal platform. In addition, this release adds support for the DSA key type in the equinix_network_ssh_key resource, which makes it possible to provision routers in Network Edge with Terraform.2.1KViews1like0Comments