How do we prepare our kids for jobs that don’t exist?
Studies show that technology is progressing at such a rapid pace that up to 85% of the jobs that will be available in 2040 have not been created yet. Will AI, ML, and hardware advancements create a society where careers we take for granted today won’t exist in the future? In the Traceroute Podcast episode 9 “The Kids are Alright”, join me, Grace Ewura-Esi and Amy Tobey as Producer John Taylor puts a personal face on this idea through his 13-year-old daughter, Ella, who wants to be a chef when she grows up. Together, they explore this issue with Executive Chef-turned-Dell Computer Advocate Tim Banks, as well as employment attorney Michael Lotito, whose Emma Coalition seeks solutions to TIDE, the technologically induced displacement of Employment. Between trips to fully-automated restaurants and the latest advancements in 3D food replication, we discover that Gen Z’s humanity may be their biggest asset in tomorrow’s job market.7.4KViews3likes2Comments