Welcome! Share how you (or your company) is making an impact in STEM
In honor of National STEM Day coming up on November 8th, we wanted to highlight the importance ofstrongscience, technology, engineering, art, and mathematicsskills in students around the world.Here at Equinix, we have a commitment toadvancing digital inclusion and in 2022 launched a new Pathways to Tech program, giving our employees the opportunity to share their unique experiences and career journeys to educate youth aboutdifferent ways to enter the data center industry. We'd love to hear how have you (or your company) made an impact in shaping the future with STEM? Welcome our newest members! Be sure to update yourprofile imageandintroduce yourself! Abhi AbigailWelsh AFreda akhateeb Analy Antgomez ARogers Atal2016 barryvornberger bavani777 bdeclercq blaze boluokun Brettv bucky007 chanlui Chrisseven ciliu cjousten connorcollins Dan_Cotton dburton DMJoshi dmuehlstein dongpeiming @DP Electricianhc eliphas_ftec Emal emilysmith eric_fairfield eriklonroth estratto FadiBarbarCet francisco8319 francisjkim FranKo freddyjanssens fsantana fsc-jmagic GILBERTO giselle GMcinnes Gnoesch gordont greenbold Harsimran Hidayet hthompson ioanjalba J_Benitez jackyyang01 Jacob Janepenn JavierMata jbartig jborrero jdelgatt jicostig jinrou jmanchoulas JMcIlvenny JoachimK JOHANVANVELZEN Jordan jpolaszek JPryor jtaglinao jtorresmemx julianSomers julsilva KalpanaGopal kknakmuhs kluca kocherk kolomja3 @KS ksung kurosaki larryma Laura_06 lgalliani longo9596 mae_emmanuelle Manny5 marcellelee MarcusHopwood marek Martijn MaxTurg @MG @MH MikeW @NA Naomi nocirideos OceanWang OKAN pedapudibhargav ray_jackson Resh9201 Rogerio rromanyak @RT Sagarasati Santiago_Miguel satochika scaxevan sgubba simonrnss smkirkland ssheppard12 staceyyyannett Stan1 stephenhwang Subordination sugiyama Teru Thomas_Dietrich Thomas_VDB tpham Val vwigant1 wesley whaikit whitbuck2 wneri Wuchunsing ykushihara yongming Yuta 望月要 高橋秀美2.1KViews0likes0Comments