Flatcar: A Cloud Native Take on Linux
A few years ago, the folks behind Flatcar Container Linux made it their business to change that, to give the world a version of Linux that would behave and be managed like a cloud native developer would expect. Today, engineers can configure and deploy Flatcar instances using the same declarative approach they use to create a Kubernetes cluster: by listing their desired configuration details in a YAML doc and then having the OS image automatically installed and configured on as many servers as they would like. Here’s how the Flatcar team does this, with a little bit of help from its friends at Equinix! Read more on Deploy.Equinix.com398Views0likes0CommentsBuilding microservices using Github Actions
Wamaitha Nyamu shows us microservices in this livestream. We'll discuss how to use IaC to build microservices, why they're more efficient, and the software that makes it all possible. If you want to learn about Terraform, Ansible, Docker, and Github Actions then come join us.1.3KViews0likes0CommentsTraceroute Series: Episode 3
In episode 3 of the Traceroute Podcast, Dave Temkin, Ingrid Burrington, Jack Waters, and Andrew Blum join us to discuss how the physical internet works. Detailing the hidden infrastructure involved in getting computers connected around the world, they shed some light on the fact that, contrary to what digital natives might think, your connection to the World Wide Web isn't 100% wireless.2.1KViews0likes0Comments