Forum Discussion

API_User's avatar
Equinix Employee
4 years ago

Z side cross-connect assets

How do you query what Z-side cross-connects are installed? The /v1/assets/search URI only provides A-side cross-connects and if you attempt to post a query for /v1/assets/{assetNumber} where assetNumber refers to a Z side crossconnect, the API returns:

    "errors": [
            "code": "EQX-434-4404",
            "message": "No Asset found for the Id:4-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

Running searches / queries for A side cross-connects works fine.

  • API_User's avatar
    Equinix Employee

    Hello there,

    As an A-side user, you will not be able to view Z side cross-connect details due to privacy and security reasons.

    The V1/assets/search URI only allows the authenticated user to view the assets within their organization. (i.e. An A side user who is making the API call is only allowed to view A side asset info). As Z side falls under a different organization, the authenticated user will not be able to view the Z side asset.

    Could you please elaborate why you'd like to know the assets details of a Z side customer, also could you please share how you got the Z side cross-connect asset ID?

    - Equinix Developer Community