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Nutanix Examples: Protection Policy with VM Migration & Active Directory Authentication

achantarotwong's avatar
Equinix Product Manager
4 months ago

Save time and effort on these common Nutanix use-cases by following example walk-throughs located in the Equinix Terraform Registry.

Those looking to explore Nutanix on Equinix Metal are likely to have two concerns in mind: ease of migration and security.

Thankfully, two examples have recently been added to the Equinix Terraform directory that demonstrate exactly how a user can accomplish these two things.

Nutanix Clusters Setup and Protection Policy - walks a user through creating two Nutanix Clusters on Equinix Metal rapidly, create a protection policy between them, and then practice creating a VM in one cluster and migrating it to the other cluster.

Nutanix on Equinix Metal with Active Directory Authentication - helps a user create a cluster on Equinix, add an AD server VM, configure AD authentication, and map a few sample roles to the AD. 

Both examples use a combination of Terraform and manual Prism console steps, promoting understanding while deploying with speed and convenience. 

Consider walking through these examples if you're interested in exploring Nutanix on Equinix Metal or learning more about making your infrastructure more reliable and secure.


Published 4 months ago
Version 1.0
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