Learn how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on bare metal with Equinix Metal Load Balancers in our latest Equinix Labs workshop.
Did you know that you can take advantage of Equinix Metal Load Balancers while quickly provisioning a Kubernetes cluster?
You can try this hands-on in our latest workshop that takes advantage of two Equinix integrations with the Kubernetes API: Cloud Provider Equinix Metal (CPEM) and Cluster API Provider Packet (CAPP).
This workshop takes a user step-by-step through gathering configuration details from the Metal Console, setting up the launch environment, and deploying a sample application on the load balanced cluster.
You’ll use CAPP to deploy the cluster on Equinix Metal machines, including three control plane nodes and two worker nodes to demonstrate the load balancing functionality. By changing the configuration in CPEM, it is enabled to set up the load balancing service in front of the control plane nodes.
Later, the user deploys and verifies nginx as a sample application. This produces a website that can be accessed via an external IP managed by a dynamically provisioned Equinix Metal Load Balancer, which can be reviewed in the Equinix Metal console.
Make sure to permanently delete the cluster using the workshop instructions since Cluster API clusters will attempt to repair themselves if servers and load balancers are deleted manually.
This workshop is a wonderful way to gain comfort using a diverse set of Kubernetes related tools as well as Equinix load balancing and bare metal.