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Introducing AI to Kids - Cassandra Chin, CSU

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Community Manager
9 months ago

Cassandra Chin, a college student from Colorado State University, studying computer science, discusses her book “Phippy's AI Friend” with Steve Martinelli at KubeCon Paris. The book follows the story of Kimani, a non-binary computer who faces struggles in finding their identity. The book also includes a workshop where readers can build a visual recognition model using Scratch. Cassandra has been conducting workshops since the age of 13 and enjoys making technology accessible to everyone. She will be giving a keynote at DevNexus and is also involved with the AI ML working group at CNCF, working on an AI white paper to connect AI and cloud-native development. Cassandra emphasizes the importance of creating educational content for developers to adopt AI in a meaningful way. The book is available on Amazon, with a French version also available. Cassandra’s favorite character in the book is Kimani.

Published 9 months ago
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