How do I ask a question or post a discussion in Beta?
The easiest way to ask a question of the community is to simply type your question in the Search bar, located in the top right of any Equinix Community page. You might find that your question has already been asked and answered previously by another community member. If you don't find what you are looking for, start a new discussion.
How do I post a new discussion?
- Navigate to the content area that is related to your question and start a discussion by clicking on the "New Discussion" button in the top right corner.
2. To create a new discussion, you'll need to enter required fields such as:
Title: Try to keep this short and direct so that other users will understand what you are asking or posting
- Community Feedback & Questions: General community related questions and discussions
- Equinix General: Equinix product, solutions or customer related discussion
Body: This is where you'll want to provide as much details as you can in your question or discussion.
Associated Products: Select from one of the associated products within Equinix. If you don't see the product, use Equinix General. If it's related to Community, use Equinix Community.
Additional sections are not required but help provide users with more context.
Message Tags: Apply any additional tags that you think might help describe the question/discussion for other users to find it.
Cover Image: You can select a cover image to attach to the discussion.
Attach Files: If there's a powerpoint or file you want to reference, you can always drop it in here to attach to discussion.
3. Once you are ready, select the "Post" button on the bottom of discussion.
Note: If you find that you were signed out before publishing your post, select my profile in the top right and scroll down, on the right side of your profile you'll see "My Drafts" which will save your recent drafted discussions.