Forum Discussion

10 Replies

  • Hello Michael,

    Indeed we are missing the information of the traffic in the section 'Connection Utilization', when accessing this section we got the message below.

    'Statistics for Connections originating from Virtual Devices are not available at this time.'
    We are talking there about a Virtual Circuit built between a Fabric Port and a Virtual Edge device.

    Thanks for your help,



    • michaelbautista's avatar
      Equinix Product Manager

      Hi Khrysse,

      I checked with the team and we're hoping to work on statistics for virtual connections from virtual devices in the second half of 2024. Hope this helps.



      • Khryssee's avatar
        Level 4

        Hi Michael,

        Thanks for your feedback.

        I will wait for this to happen as I'm sure this will be really useful for everyone.

        Have a nice day,

        Best regards,


    • michaelbautista's avatar
      Equinix Product Manager

      Hi Khryssee,

      I see. I'll check with the team on this and get back to you.



  • Hi Michael,

    Thanks for your message.

    To clarify the topic, we are able now to see some bandwidth statistics directly from the Interface of a Virtual device, that's really great.

    My question was about a potential next improvement that could be to provide the same kind of statistics but from the Virtual Circuits.


    • michaelbautista's avatar
      Equinix Product Manager


      Thanks for the clarification.

      Are there statistics you're looking for that aren't currently available in the "Connection Utilization" tab when looking at a virtual connection in the connections inventory?


  • Hello,
    Now that we can have traffic statistics from the interfaces of Virtual devices perhaps could we link that with the Virtual Circuit statistics? 
    Is it planned as a future release/change?

    Thanks in advance,

    Best regards, 


    • michaelbautista's avatar
      Equinix Product Manager

      Hi Khryssee,


      My name's Michael and I'm a product manager for Fabric. To make sure I understand your question, are you asking if it's possible to get connection statistics for all connections on a virtual device?




  • Many thanks Tom,

    I believe that we (the community) will be very excited to get this new fonctionnality when it will be ready.


  • Khryssee,

    My name is Tom, I am a Product Manager for Interconnection at Equinix. Happy to provide some context:

    Unfortunately, usage statistics for virtual circuits between Fabric Ports and Network Edge virtual devices aren't currently available. The product team is aware of the desire to have these and is working on a cross product solution. They are working on this solution now and hope to deliver it in beta during the first half of 2023.

    Best Regards,
