Forum Discussion

mmellin's avatar
Level 3
7 months ago

Crossplane Metal provider - lifecycle.prevent_destroy error

After I spin up a Metal Device using the Crossplane Equinix provider, it comes up but in the events I see the following. I'm not sure if it is expected or a bug?

Managed resource event message:

Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal CreatedExternalResource 3m7s managed/, kind=device Successfully requested creation of external resource
Warning CannotObserveExternalResource 13s (x6 over 30s) managed/, kind=device cannot run plan: plan failed: Instance cannot be destroyed: Resource has lifecycle.prevent_destroy set, but the plan calls for this resource to be destroyed. To avoid this error and continue with the plan, either disable lifecycle.prevent_destroy or reduce the scope of the plan using the -target flag.

Field in XRD for plan is: "plan: m3.small.x86"


Crossplane v1.16

Equinix Provider: v0.6.1

K8s: Kind 1.27